On February 2nd,2024, a successful blood donation drive was organized by HamrolifeBank with medical support from Grande International Hospital, Tokha. 22 pints of blood were collected, potentially impacting the lives of 66 individuals in need! Out of the 26 people who registered for the event, 22 were found eligible to donate blood. There were 15 males and  7 females. The remaining individuals were unable to donate due to various health issues and other reasons. We used witty props to click the pictures which could be posted on social media to engage the blood donors. 

Each donor received food and a gift hamper as a token of appreciation. We also implemented a digital system to streamline the blood donation process, ensuring that every detail from collection to supply was accurately recorded and managed.

Furthermore, as an added gesture of gratitude, we sent a thank-you SMS to each donor once their donated blood was utilized to save a life. This initiative aimed to demonstrate our deep appreciation for their selfless act and to keep them informed about the positive impact of their contribution.